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Tujuan rapat online? Kolaborasi yang lancar. Dan inilah yang Anda dapatkan dengan konferensi video dan fitur berbagi layar FreeConferenceCall.com. Adakan rapat online Anda berikutnya menggunakan aplikasi desktop gratis kami atau melalui Web Viewer (fungsionalitas penuh dengan Chromebook™ saja). Dan terlebih lagi - akun gratis Anda mendukung konferensi dengan peserta maksimal 1.000 orang.

Dapatkan Lebih Banyak Keunggulan Rapat — Gratis

Rapat online FreeConferenceCall.com dengan fitur konferensi video dan berbagi layar adalah cara yang canggih untuk berkolaborasi di mana pun Anda berada, dari perangkat apa saja. Di sinilah kami unggul dibandingkan kompetitor kami.

Fitur/Fungsi FreeConferenceCall.com GoToMeeting Zoom Join.me
Audio Conferencing 1.000 Partisipan GRATIS
VoIP: termasuk
Berbayar: termasuk
Bebas pulsa: 2¢/mnt
50 partisipan gratis (14 hari percobaan)
VoIP: termasuk
Berbayar: termasuk
Bebas pulsa: 8 sen/menit
50 partisipan gratis (14 hari percobaan) 50 partisipan gratis (14 hari percobaan)
Konferensi Video 1.000 Partisipan GRATIS 50 partisipan gratis (14 hari percobaan) 100 partisipan gratis 10 partisipan gratis (14 hari percobaan)
Berbagi Layar 1.000 Partisipan GRATIS 50 partisipan gratis (14 hari percobaan) 100 partisipan gratis 10 partisipan gratis (14 hari percobaan)
Batasan waktu Tidak Terbatas Tidak Terbatas (14 hari percobaan gratis) 40 menit Tidak Terbatas (14 hari percobaan)
Fitur Konferensi Audio
Nomor akses masuk internasional Gratis Bayar Bayar Bayar
Kontrol Web Gratis Bayar Gratis Bayar
Ruang Diskusi Kelompok Gratis Gratis Bayar
Streaming radio Gratis
Fitur Konferensi Video
Umpan multi video Gratis Bayar Bayar
Teknologi pembicara aktif Gratis Gratis
Bergabung sebagai lihat saja Gratis Gratis
Bergabung lewat telepon Gratis Bayar Gratis Bayar
Fitur Berbagi Layar
Bertukar penyaji Gratis Bayar Gratis Bayar
Pengendali jarak jauh Gratis Bayar Gratis Bayar
Corat-coret Gratis Bayar Gratis Bayar
Rekaman audio, video, dan berbagi layar Gratis Bayar Gratis Bayar
Buat presentasi Gratis Bayar
Mudah mengunduh, memainkan kembali, dan membagikan Gratis Bayar Bayar Bayar
Penyiar Gratis Bayar
Pustaka berkas yang direkam Gratis Bayar
Kata-kata Kunci Gratis
Transkripsi otomatis Gratis
Storage 1 GB Gratis Bayar Bayar Bayar
Fitur-fitur tambahan
Pengubahsuaian situs Gratis Bayar Bayar Bayar
Unggah berkas Gratis Bayar Bayar Bayar
Keamanan Gratis Bayar Gratis Bayar
Obrolan Gratis Bayar Gratis Bayar
T&J Gratis Bayar Bayar Bayar
Akses seluler Gratis Bayar Bayar Bayar
Tanpa unduhan partisipan (Web Viewer) Gratis Bayar Bayar Bayar
Layanan Pelanggan 24/7 Gratis Gratis Bayar Bayar

Frequently Asked Questions

Starting an online meeting is easy. With FreeConferenceCall.com, all you need to begin is a free account. Once you have your account, follow these steps for starting your meeting.

1. Download the FreeConferenceCall.com mobile or desktop app. Available on both Android and iOS.

2. Launch the FreeConferenceCall.com app.

3. Invite attendees by sending your meeting credentials to your participants. Your meeting credentials include a website URL, an online meeting ID or your dial-in number and access code.

4. At the time of your meeting, click "Host" and select your preferred audio output to start your meeting. Your attendees can arrive through the app or by visiting your meeting URL.

Virtual online meetings offer many benefits. In addition to its flexibility, online meetings are accessible, affordable and convenient for meeting attendees.

Online meetings can be easily accessed through a computer or mobile device, making it especially flexible for users to use whether they’re in the office, at home or on the go.

Joining an online meeting with FreeConferenceCall.com is absolutely free, helping people save money on software and travel costs. With a computer or smartphone and access to Wi-Fi, anyone can host or join an online meeting on our network absolutely free.

FreeConferenceCall.com users can host an online meeting anytime, anywhere internet access is available at absolutely no cost, making our platform the best of its kind.

Yes. Free web conferencing and online meetings are all free with FreeConferenceCall.com. Once you’ve signed up for a free account and downloaded the desktop or mobile app, you’ll instantly have access to hosting an online meeting to anyone in the world.

A virtual meeting, also known as an online meeting or web meeting, is a space on the internet where two or more people can communicate with one another over the web. An online meeting can be a video meeting, an audio-only meeting, or a presentation.

FreeConferenceCall.com offers free virtual meetings without limits. Sign up to get started.

A standard US account with FreeConferenceCall includes online conferencing with up to 1,000 participants. For access to larger online meeting rooms, reach out to our customer support team.

Yes! Visit our downloads page to get the online meeting app on Android and iOS