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Sales Strategies for Small Businesses in 2022

Sales are the lifeblood of any lasting business. With strong sales, your business is very likely to find success for years to come.

Create a strong sales strategy to map out your approach to securing revenue and ensuring your business makes a profit.

An effective sales strategy defines your ideal customer persona, details what services or products you plan to sell and lists the sales channels you’ll use to reach those customers.

In this article, we will explore four strategies to increase sales.

Speak Directly To The Buyer:

For B2B small businesses, it’s important to speak directly with people who are authorized to make a sale.

Speak with decision-makers as much as you can. It may take longer to meet with them due to their busy schedules, but it will increase your chances of closing. Make an effort to go out of your way to meet them in-person or via, so that the encounter is more personal.

Meet Your Customers Needs:

The most effective sales teams aren’t those who push products, but those who make their customers feel comfortable and understood.

Figure out exactly what your leads want, and align these wants with your product or service. Explain or demonstrate to them how your business can help them meet their needs.

Remember to cross-sell and up-sell to the customers you close on. Is there one other item or upgrade that will benefit them? Selling to past customers is the most cost-effective and lucrative way to increase sales.

Perfect Your Sales Pitch:

A simple, understandable sales pitch that differentiates your product or service from the competition and takes into account objections can help you generate sales in-person or online.

When pitching your product or service, take note of any objections and confusion your leads are having. Be empathetic and put yourself in your customers’ shoes when considering objections – how can you improve your product or service to meet their objections? Does your price need to be lowered?

Counteract these objections by mentioning their solutions or counter arguments within your pitch before a customer can bring them up.

You want your pitch to be as clear and concise as possible so that your leads know exactly what they’re buying and how it’s going to benefit them. A quick pitch shows business partners that you know their time is valuable.

Whenever possible, make your pitch personal by relating your product or service to customers. Listen closely and incorporate intimate details into your conversation to show customers your attention to detail.

Creating the perfect pitch takes time, experience and active listening, but once you get it down sales will become effortless.

Create A Sense of Urgency

Dramatists have known for centuries how a sense of desperate urgency can hook an audience (think – stopping a ticking time bomb with only a second to spare), and this technique can be used in sales as well with a well-placed call-to-action.

Sweeten your product or service with limited-time offers, such as promoting expiring discounts, coupons or other incentives that will nudge your lead into making the commitment.

If they pass on the offer, let them know you’ll follow up with them shortly just to be sure they haven’t changed their mind. Your call-to-action can be as simple as “Don’t miss out!”

Now that you understand these four sales strategies, make sure to set clear objectives so you can measure their effectiveness. If one strategy performs better than the other, consider doubling down on the more effective strategy and forgoing the non-effective strategy.


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