FreeConferenceCall Blog

The Modern Conference Room: A Mobile Video Conferencing Room on a Budget

With the new year underway, resolutions are in full swing. “Every year business owners say they aim to replace the old with the new. This is the year to do it! In 2017 [small businesses] should resolve to better their facilities, including buying new equipment, hiring new entry level and management staff and nurturing their business for the better,” explained Lior Rachmany, CEO and Founder of Dumbo Moving + Storage, to Business News Daily.

Sounds great, at least in theory. But how do you apply this “new and improved” approach to your business, particularly to communications? Unless you received some serious gift cards this holiday season, that heavy mahogany conference room table and giant screen for video conferencing might still be out of budget. Good news! You don’t really need either, especially not for everyday conferencing.

These days, collaboration is all about flexibility and mobility. Distributed teams are commonplace. And even if that distribution is throughout the same building, desktop conferencing can actually be quicker and more productive than gathering in a traditional conference room.

So how does this new style of work…work? First, shake off the traditional conference room mentality and rejoice in the more easily accessible tools that are now available. Second, embrace conferencing technology of the future. Make sure each team member is equipped with a PC or Mac with an internal mic, speakers and webcam. Throw in a headset to improve audio quality. Third, have your team get accounts and download the 1) desktop application and 2) mobile application for iPhone or Android devices. Fourth, start conferencing. That’s it. Your new budget-friendly conference room also means you are work anywhere-savvy.

In 2017, spend your money where it really needs to be spent. Want some extra guidance? At, we’re full of ideas for your modern conference room. And if you need help getting started, just contact our 24/7, award-winning Customer Care at (844) 844-1422.

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